
Invitation to present to the Saltire Society Glasgow Branch

We were delighted to join 20 heritage enthusiasts at the start of January on a cold and very windy  night to have a two course meal together, followed by a presentation from ourselves on our Doors Open Days 2019 programme.  The Glasgow Branch of the Saltire Society meet monthly and their format is evening meal (attended by the speaker) followed by presentation and questions.  On this occasion the usual venue was not available, so we found last minute accommodation at 29 Royal Exchange Square.  The meal and presentation were hosted in a wedding marquee tent on the roof garden of the venue, with very high winds and rain battering the marquee ‘walls’, which made for an interesting battle with acoustics!  Regardless of these distractions, the presentation was enjoyed by all, with a lively range of questions about how to make Doors Open Days (venues, audience and events) broader and more inclusive being the main theme we discussed.

We presented on the following:

  • What is DOD and how it is part of Scottish Civic Trust’s portfolio
  • History of DOD and current focuses
  • European connections and networks
  • DOD audience
  • Lifting the curtain! How is DOD delivered?
  • Support (coordinators, volunteers)
  • How do people engage with DOD?
  • What happens outside of September each year?
  • How to get involved for 2020

If you would like us to speak to your group about our activities, just drop us a line at Have a look at our website first to see what you might be interested in hearing more about!