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The Glover Incorporation of Perth Hall

Perth & Kinross

In Person

The Glover's Hall has been the meeting place of the Glover Incorporation of Perth for over 150 years. Prior to that the Incorporation was based in the Fair Maid's House. The Glovers are one of the original incorporated trades of the burgh, whose existence can be traced back to the time of the Royal Charter in 1210. The Hall contains a variety of historical artefacts relating to the Incorporation.

Visitors to the Hall, which is decorated in the style of the mid-19th Century, can learn about the Incorporations historic links to the city. Visitors to the Hall will not only get rare access to a piece of Perth's history, but understand more of the role of the Incorporated Trades over 800 years, and learn a little of our participation in the new museum. 


Key Information

Where to find us

  • 36 George Street
  • Perth
  • PH1 5JR

Programmes this building took part in: