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The Library of Mistakes


In Person

The Library of Mistakes first opened in March 2014 and moved to its current home in March 2022. The collection is focused on business and financial history, the errors made and the lessons to be learned. There now about 5,000 volumes on its shelves, and the current premises were formerly a hall used by the Girl Guides.

The Library of Mistakes is generally open to registered members by appointment, but for Doors Open Day we will be open to all. There will be short talks about the library at 10.30am, 12 noon, 1.30pm and 3pm. Members of the team will be there to answer questions. Come and help us change the world one mistake at a time.


Key Information

There will be short talks about the library at 10.30am, 12 noon, 1.30pm and 3pm. Members of the team will be there to answer questions. Come and help us change the world one mistake at a time.

Where to find us

  • 33A Melville Street Lane
  • Edinburgh
  • EH3 7QB
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Programmes this building took part in: