
This information relates to the 2024 festival which has now ended. The 2025 festival programme will go live in August 2025.

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Adam Smith’s Panmure House

28 September 2024 (10:00 - 15:00)

29 September 2024 (10:00 - 15:00)


In Person
2024 Theme

Panmure House is the final remaining home of Adam Smith, philosopher and 'father of modern economics.'

Originally built in 1691, Smith occupied the House between 1778 and 1790, during which time he completed the final editions of his master works: The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations. Other great luminaries and thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment visited Smith regularly at the House across this period.

 In 2008, Edinburgh Business School & Heriot-Watt University undertook to rescue this historic building from dereliction and was formally opened in 2018. Today the house is a centre of excellence for the study of contemporary economics, a place of reflection on the legacy of Adam Smith, and a venue for social and economic debate.

Bookings can be made via Eventbrite


2024 Theme - Heritage of Routes, Networks and Connections

Panmure House is the final remaining home of Adam Smith, one of the key members of the Scottish Enlightenment. It is known that other great luminaries and thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment visited Smith regularly at the House across the period which Smith lived here.

During these visits they would dine and debate over the biggest issues of their time, and exchange ideas which likely contributed to the society we live in today.

Smith held a vast library collection at Panmure House which encompassed a wide range of disciplines, and more than 3,000 books. We have set out to reflect this by selecting titles that directly influenced Smith, from the fields of economics and philosophy of course, but also contextual works on the theatre, art, history, Scottish culture and natural history, sourced from across the globe. A selection of books, handpicked from our 
collection will be showcased during Doors Open Day. 

Additional Access Information

Our venue is accessed by a reception on basement level. An external platform lift and an internal passenger lift is available.


Key Information

Please note bookings can be made via Eventbrite

Self-guided tours including up-close viewing of selected books from our Smith Restoration Library. Children's activities will also be available.

Where to find us

  • Adam Smith’s Panmure House
  • 4 Lochend Close
  • Edinburgh
  • EH8 8BL
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Programmes this building took part in: