
Braw Buildings 2019

We partnered with Hostelling Scotland to offer free hostel stays for selected young people and families to attend Doors Open Days in one of six locations across Scotland.

Young people and families applied to participate in our Braw Buildings project through the Hostelling Scotland website and successful applicants were chosen by a team of Doors Open Days and Hostelling Scotland representatives. In total, we offered 30 free trips to celebrate our 30th anniversary year. Braw Buildings 2019 supported 70 people, from babies to grandparents, to take trips to places they wouldn’t usually visit and participate in Doors Open Days.

Braw Building participants smiling

Braw Building participants who stayed for free in the Glasgow Youth Hostel as part of their trip to Glasgow Doors Open Days.

Our Braw Buildings project is another way that we work to make Doors Open Days even more accessible.  Increasing access to heritage is at the heart of Doors Open Days, which offers free access to venues, tours, talks and events across Scotland every September. However, although the festival programme is free, there may still be accommodation costs that could be a barrier to potential visitors. The Braw Buildings project addresses this barrier by offering free accommodation to those that might not usually be able to take adventures to cultural outings across Scotland.

Braw Building participants shared how the programme enabled them to take part in Doors Open Days: “As a single parent I wouldn’t have been able to make the trip with the children unfunded. Without accommodation it would have been too much travelling to do in a day.” Another participant expressed similar sentiments: “Having funding was fantastic as money is tight right now and I would not have been able to make the top without the free accommodation and breakfast. I am extremely grateful”.

Instagram post showing the view from Pitlochry Youth Hostel