St Margaret's Church, Huntly

The Parishioners of St Margaret’s Church invite you to visit this beautiful A-listed church. It was built in 1834 with the support of the influential Gordon family of Wardhouse and renovated in 1905. Located on a prominent corner site, its unusual Spanish Baroque tower and spire is presented to best advantage. The colourful interior gives a warm and uplifting welcome as your eyes will be drawn to the stencilling, large oil paintings, the intricate altar detail and magnificent ceiling.
This magnificent church was built in a Spanish style, highly unusual in northeast Scotland, due to the connections of the Gordon Family to Jerez in Spain, where some of the family had fled after Culloden. There the Gordon family established a successful Sherry business, which in part eventually helped fund the Church in Huntly. Come for a visit on Doors Open Days and hear more about the interesting history and links to Jerez-Gordon Sherry.
Refreshments will be available in the adjacent hall.

Key Information
No booking required.
Where to find us
- St Margaret's Church
- 30 Chapel Street
- Huntly
- AB54 8BS